
5 tips to maximize your workout with superfoods

November 9, 2015

“My name is Elena and I am a juicer”; that’s how my first line would sound like in a GAA. What is that, you might ask? Gym Addicts Anonymous. I wish I can add the addict part though, I still have to pay my respects to my gym membership, but I am getting there. What’s juice got to do with everything? Well, unsurprisingly, regular juicers are frequent exercisers. If you’re after improvements in mood, better skin, heart health and body confidence, a healthy diet and exercise regime is the way to do it. I have been drinking juices and smoothies for the past few months, like you’ve seen in my posts, and my lifestyle has improved a lot. I have also made a few arrangements in my busy schedule and freed a few hours to attend the gym with my sis-in-law, Lidia. She asked me one day: which juice should I drink before/after a workout? I had to do some research, because even in this area you need some backup from science, so here are a few tips from experts in the nutrition field, that might help you.gym

  1. Your own fitness performance will be influenced by the level of your pre-training, your recovery techniques and the quality of your nutrition. Feeling tired after an workout is always a bad sign, thus it is necessary to listen to your body and adjust to a smarter lifestyle. Fueling up on carbohydrates, the body’s main fuel for sustaining performance, is the first step towards a healthy workout. The best source of carbohydrates are the ones that offer a slow release of energy, such as vegetables and wholegrain (quinoa, brown rice).
  2. Don’t forget to stack up on healthy proteins, necessary for recovery. The target is to get 1g of protein for every 1kg of body weight. Protein restores muscle tissue and the most important are eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, chicken, and fish. Pack your fridge with other essential nutrients for energy such as lentils, almonds, asparagus, spinach and avocados. Muscle and nerve functioning will get their magnesium and calcium from greens, sesame seeds, figs, broccoli. Iron, vital for transport of oxygen around the body can be found in nuts and seeds, and organic grass-fed meats.
  3. Another recovery support after training is the fat from oils found the omega-3 range, such as oily fish, chia seeds and flaxseeds. I am recommending the Bioglan Superfoods pack, high in fibre, calcium, complete protein, vitamins and minerals. You can add them to any meal, cereal, yoghurt, smoothie, juice or baking. Healthy oils will help in anti-inflammatory processes and nourishing cell membranes for increased flexibility and cell performance.
  4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. During training you loose a lot of fluid, so it is important to replace essential nutrients, such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
  5. Post-exercise recovery will come smoothly thanks to antioxidants to help with repairing tissues. You can find them in foods rich in vitamins C, A and E and zinc, such as kiwi, blueberries, carrots, peppers, cos lettuce, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, nuts and seeds.


 A big thank you to Kara ML Rosen “Plenish” for all the healthy tips, and also to my sis-in-law for taking part in this shooting.

I’m taking part in Bioglan Superfoods new campaign to superpowered the lives of women who are a Go Getter like me! For more tips or recipe inspiration, head to the Bioglan Superfoods hub to find out more or check out their Instagram or Twitter for daily inspiration.