
How to wear tassel loafers

March 26, 2015

I’ve been known for my permanent complain about uncomfortable shoes, heels in particular. I will always be the girl with comfy flats in  her purse, while at a fancy event, just because killer heels spice up an outfit, but they will literally put me to rest for a week. I’ve been looking for casual shoes with an attitude, so when I saw these organza strap and tassel  loafers from Linzi, imaginary outfits started pop up in my mind. There are so many trends you can follow to a tee, while still looking fabulous and pain free, when wearing loafers.

Take for example, a long coatigan and pair it with girlfriend jeans, for a casual look, but add a breton sparkly top, for that extra chic effect. Then compliment your outfit with a pair of patent tassel loafers and a classic quilted bag. Wear your elegance in flats, it’s achievable!

Wearing French Connection coat/Topshop jeans/Zara top/Moschino bag/Linzi loafers (buy here)/Calvin Klein watch/Gemporia ring (buy here)Another side of casual Another side of casual Another side of casualAnother side of casual Another side of casual Another side of casual